Industry Immersion Part 2

The second part of my immersion journey...

During my first meeting with Sir Rhomar Encanto last week, he discussed some of the operations being performed by his department called South Luzon Fixed Access and Transport Operations, a technical division of PLDT. In that meeting, he introduced me to the technical aspects of their jobs. This includes the area where they operate, the personnel's duties and functions, the physical equipment used and the network management system used in remote access of network infra deployed in the different parts of the country. He also approved one of my classmates, sir Bryan Nicart to be an intern in the same department.

As Sir Rhomar informed us last week that he will be out of Bicol Region this week to attend some important matter in Batangas, I decided to stay home and look for journals that would probably help me in formulating ideas in our research paper. This time, the literature is related to the application of what I have learned at school (eg. AI, distributed system, security) hoping to apply it in telecommunications.

The whole week is full of hope that Sir would teach us essential topics and would share to us problems encountered in their day to day operations, which would eventually reinforce our research.


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