My Dissertation Idea

New Challenge

Thanks to God, the challenges of immersion had ended. The things I have undertaken this summer helped me prepare on my transition towards Dissertation. At this moment, I am preparing myself for the next challenge and looking up topics that motivates me. I do it through reading journals and taking notes of interesting ideas they offer as well as future works/things not yet done. 

Research Area I Plan on Concentrating

One of our professors in DIT once told us to concentrate and spend time on areas that interests us the most. He said that as much as possible, avoid things which will waste our time since it is very precious especially during Dissertation making. My ideas was so vague before the start of immersion but now, things are slowly getting clearer. The area I am considering is Semantic Web/Linked Data for Data Interoperability and Information Retrieval. Honestly, there is still a lot of ambiguity regarding this but with God’s help I’ll narrow this down.

Keep on Reading Journals

Many good papers out there are available only upon subscription so during my free time at TIP, I downloaded many of these and saved it in my Google drive. This time, I start reading these journals. There are also research papers in the Internet which can be downloaded for free and I also read them.

Learn a New Tool

Due to difficulties I met in using word processor to write research paper, I intend to learn a tool specifically developed for this: LaTeX. I didn't know it’s there until my colleague, Sir Nicart told me. I now realized what one researcher in a conference I attended before was doing; he was writing a paper using LaTeX. I'ts quite easy to use as my buddy demonstrated it.


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